Subject Departments
The Tiffin Girls’ School curriculum seeks to deliver the school’s vision to create ‘an intellectually stimulating and outward facing school, enabling students to flourish and contribute to society‘, underpinned by the school’s motto sapere aude – dare to be wise, and the school values of ‘Community’, ‘Love of Learning’ and ‘Character’.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Support students in achieving highly, appropriate to our selective academic context – which invariably means teaching beyond the curriculum
- Foster a lifelong love of learning, provide an engaging and enjoyable education and guide students in their understanding of the wider context
- Help students develop the skills of inquiry so that students can develop creative thinking and problem solving
- Stretch and challenge students in developing and applying their knowledge, understanding and skills
- Provide a broad education that focuses on developing the whole child, fosters resilience and supports them in being prepared for life after school.
As a research-driven community, we are always looking at ways to advance our teaching and learning, and curriculum provision. All departments design their curriculum vertically, with a high level of challenge. The curriculum includes all aspects of education and enrichment provision organised by the school.
Our curriculum involves a broad range of subjects, taught in one hour lessons, totalling 25 hours per week. The academic curriculum is supported by the weekly teaching of the pastoral curriculum (that includes PSHE, RSE and Citizenship education), a wide variety of enrichment activities and careers education.