Ofsted Report
Tiffin Girls’ was judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in every Ofsted category in October 2021, under the new Education Inspection Framework.
Headteacher Ian Keary said, ‘It’s a wonderful and thoroughly deserved accolade for the whole school community and clear recognition of the fabulous all-round education the students receive at Tiffin Girls’’.
The five areas where the school achieved outstanding ratings in were: the quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; leadership and management, and Sixth Form provision.
Among many other highlights, the report includes the following:
- ‘Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They respect and support each other.’
- ‘Leaders maintain high academic standards and provide a curriculum that extends far beyond academic study.’
- ‘Pupils’ mental health is a priority for leaders.’
- ‘As one pupil typically said, ‘School culture is everything here.’ Pupils take to heart the core values of Community, Love of Learning and Character.’
- ‘Lunchtimes and after school are a hive of activity as pupils attend the vast range of clubs run by staff and other pupils.’