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Pastoral Care


The Tiffin Girls’ School offers a very wide variety of food options incorporating both traditional and international dishes including vegetarian and vegan options. Our catering team all have over 10 years’ experience headed by Sue O’Donovan who has managed our catering for 21 years. All catering staff hold food hygiene, allergy and food safety level 2 training. The Tiffin Girls’ School has a 5 star food hygiene rating.

We are happy to accommodate specific dietary requirements and ask parents/carers to tell us about these. All dishes are nut-free but we are not a nut-free site. Food is made onsite ensuring fresh well-prepared meals, and themed days during the year are always popular.

All students purchase their food through a cashless account which is credited by parents through the ParentMail online system. We currently use an identity card system, avoiding the need to remember a PIN. Children who are eligible for free school meals use the same card method to purchase food. Parents can view their child’s food and drink purchases online.

Students can purchase fresh food at:

  • Breakfast (08:00 – 08:30)
  • Recess (10:50 – 11:15)
  • Lunchtime (12:15 – 13:15)

Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch, although we ask that it is nut-free. These can be eaten in the dining area, form room or outside.