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Pastoral Care

RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education)

Our RSE curriculum is informed by the PSHE Association and government guidance on the teaching of RSE. It is age appropriate and covers:

  • an understanding of what constitutes a positive and healthy relationship
  • an awareness of a variety of types of family structures
  • an appreciation that different faith groups and cultures hold a variety of perspectives on relationships and intimacy
  • an understanding of the biological aspects of human growth, puberty and reproduction, and maintaining sexual health
  • an awareness of the spectrum of sexualities and gender identification
  • the ability to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships
  • an understanding of the concept of consent, sexual harassment and exploitation within relationships
  • the risks associated with in person and online relationships
  • the link between risk-taking behaviours such as drugs, smoking and alcohol, and the impact that this might have on relationships and sex
  • identifying and accessing appropriate advice and support about relationships and health.


Age appropriate Schemes of Work – these are embedded as part of weekly pastoral hour throughout Years 7-11. These units of work explore content and risks associated with these areas and we signpost where students can get support should they need it. Outcomes for these lessons follow PSHE Association learning objectives.

Year Breakdown
Year 7
  • Transition and Change – Identity, Friendships, Peer Pressure, Health Lifestyles, Puberty
  • Friends Resilience Programme – Stress, Feelings, Confidence, Relaxation, Inner helpful thoughts, exploring solutions and coping plans
  • British values and diversity – Diversity, Accepting differences, different types of families and relationships
  • Keeping ourselves Safe Immersion Day – Bullying, E-safety workshop, Travel Safety workshop
Year 8
  • Personal Identities – Role models, women in society, attitudes and pressures placed on young women, Assertion skills, Dove workshop, online identities 
  • Diversity – Equality and diversity, cultural perspectives, LGBT community, media representations of women, positive diversity for children
  • RSE1 Immersion Day – Relationships continuum, Relationships in the media, Relationships SWOT analysis, Gender and Identity, Relationships workshop
  • ‘Girls on Board’ – tutor time activities to understanding relationships between friends and resolve conflict bullying
  • Friends Top up – revisiting aspects of the Friends resilience programme
Year 9
  • Alcohol and Drugs risk, alcohol, introduction to drugs, external talk, legal highs, smoking health effects
  • Emotional Wellbeingemotional wellbeing, emotional states, mapping our emotions, unhelpful thoughts, vantage points, motivation
  • Relationships sex and relationships 1, 2, 3, 4
  • RSE  Immersion Day 2 – Healthy Relationships, Contraception, Challenges within LGBT relationships, STIs, Pornography and Sexting
Year 10
  • Induction Afternoon – Importance of healthy eating and sleep
  • Managing Self/stress  – what is stress?, body responses to stress, impact of stress, relaxation strategies, stress plans
  • Diversity and rebellion national culture, immigration and the media, pressure groups, anti-social behaviour
  • Making Difficult Decision Immersion Day arranged/forced marriages, DSM foundation (drugs workshop), Diversity and decision making, Online risks and the law
Year 11
  • Exploring Relationships romantic relationships, unhealthy relationships, commitment and ending relationships, infertility and different types of families
  • First Aid First Aid Carousel, Alcohol and First Aid, Physical Health conditions, Chronic Health Conditions
  • Mental Health Unit  – emotional and psychological health, mental health and substance misuse, resilience, work life/school life balance
  • Pink Day Campaign breast cancer, becoming familiar with your body over a cycle
Year 12
  • External Speakers – rolling programme of speakers who address aspects of wellbeing, mental health, relationships and sex education, women’s health, menopause, risks associated with drugs and alcohol
Year 13
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing strategies – yoga, knitting, cooking, active listening on world issues, mindfulness