Absence Request
Absence requests can only be submitted online by completing this form: ABSENCE REQUEST FORM.
The online form must be submitted by a Parent/Carer. Please use the above link to request time out of the school day for appointments/music exams and all absences other than illness. Please note your child’s absence will be authorised unless you receive an email refusing the request or asking for more information. You will not receive an email if your request is authorised.
If you are reporting a student’s absence through illness, you must use the webPortal. Do not use this form to report a student’s illness.
Students of school age must, by law, attend school. If your child is to be away from school you need to ask the school to approve the absence in advance, which we will do in exceptional cases. Permission for absence can be applied for, using the Absence Request form at least three weeks in advance, to allow the school time for appropriate consideration and a response to be made. Any absence taken for any event that is not requested in advance will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Regular dental and optician check-ups should be arranged to take place during school holidays.