All students have the same right to a high-quality education and with this in mind we actively plan for the special educational needs or disability of students who might need different approaches to their education.
At The Tiffin Girls’ School, we aim to ensure that:
- SEND students are offered full access to a broad and balanced education
- SEND students have full access to all school activities
- The necessary provision for any SEND student is delivered
- The views of the students are sought and considered
- We work in partnership with parents and external agencies to meet the needs of the student
- There is smooth transition at each stage for the student
- Teachers are aware of the importance of early identification of SEND students and know how to best support them
- For any child with an EHCP, the school will work with parents / carers and the child to help them fully understand the EHCP.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) ensures that students with specific learning difficulties or other special needs are appropriately supported at the correct level. As part of the process of providing support throughout their time in education, the SENCO and Head of Year will regularly monitor, evaluate and modify strategies for your child’s learning. Liaising closely with parents, we aim to ensure that all students with special educational needs or disability flourish through a strong partnership between home, school and external agencies.
The Tiffin Girls’ School SENCo is Mrs A Yadav and she can be contacted at the school by email [email protected] or by phone 020 8546 0773.